Fernanda Santos Nogueira Goes

Country: Brazil

Even though Fernanda only took one class at CCI-LEX, it helped her achieve great success in her life in Canada! She is now working as an Education Developer at Macewan University! We asked Fernanda about her past experience at CCI-LEX.


How long did you study at CCI-LEX?

I think three to four months. I was in the Workplace Communication Skills Course. 


How did you start studying at CCI-LEX?

My husband did a course with you in the past, about 5 years ago. Now we came back as permanent residents and the first place we went to check the English courses was CCI-LEX!


Why did you come to CCI-LEX? 

I came to Canada with an intermediate level of English but I did not feel comfortable participating in interviews, how to accept a job, what are the Canadian rules about working … These are the reasons I did the Workplace Communication Skills Course. It helped me a lot because everything I learned in the course I could apply during the interviews. 


What do you like most about CCI-LEX? 

I like the flexibility of the course, I like the course being in the evening. I didn’t need to worry about looking for a job and doing the course at the same time. I am a permanent resident and I found the price really reasonable. 


Did CCI-LEX help you adjust to life in Canada? How? 

I think it helped me a lot … the course was like therapy! I arrived in September and I engaged in the course one or two months after. Being there, discussing with the others, interacting with the teacher and other students was a really good support. It helped me to better understand life here. Exchanging with everyone helped me a lot. 


Would you recommend CCI-LEX to other students?  

Yes, for sure I will! I think the way CCI-LEX approaches us and tries to help us to set up everything is really important because when we arrive in Canada we have a lot of things to choose. CCI-LEX not only teaches us but also supports us! So this is what I like most about CCI-LEX. 


Can you describe CCI-LEX in 3 words?  

Inclusive, supportive and reasonable price! 


Final Message from Fernanda: 

Thank you so much for taking your time to talk with me! I hope I can help other students to engage in your courses and learn English as well as how to work in Canada. This is not something we see a lot in other English schools. You should highlight these courses more!